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Custom mRNA-LNP Synthesis

Our mRNA-LNP Synthesis service offers the formulation of custom lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for the delivery of mRNA molecules. We utilize a combination of lipid formulation and flow pattern to produce LNPs with optimal size and stability. Standard UV-vis spectrophotometer and fluorometer are used to measure the concentration and quality of your DNA, RNA or protein samples. To characteristic the conformation of nucleic acids (mRNA) in solution or warped inside LNP, a circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy can be applied. The CD spectra of nucleic acids are mostly dependent on the sequence and stacking geometry of the bases.

Homemade Lipid Nanoparticle Synthesizer

The homemade synthesizer is composed by a Legato 110 Dual Rate Syringe Pump System (Legato 110 DRS), and a mixture chip, such as Herringbone chip (Microfluidic ChipShop). It offers researchers complete flexibility to start two pumps simultaneously for delivery of two independent flow rates. The pumps communicate through a special input/output cable included with the system. All control is set through the touch screen user interface. No external programming or computer is required. The flexibility is not only focus on LNP synthesis scale by the tunable pump flow rate, but also include the changing fluid flow patterns by an alternative mixture chip. With the same LNP formulation, the parameters, such as two liquid phase flow rates, ratio, and geometry of the mixture microchannel will dramatically change the nanoparticles size, mRNA encapsulation efficiency.  


Specifications and Features:

  • Accuracy: ±0.5%

  • Syringes (Min/Max): 0.5 µl to 60 ml;

  • Flow Rate:

    • Minimum (0.5 µl syringe):1.28 pl/min;

    • Maximum (10 ml syringe): 25.99 ml/min;

    • Maximum (60 ml syringe): 88.28 ml/min

Thermo Scientific NanoDrop One Spectrophotometer with Qubit 4 Fluorometer

The NanoDrop One Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and the Qubit 4 Fluorometer together allow researchers to obtain the most complete information about the concentration and quality of your DNA, RNA or protein samples—helping to prevent costly troubleshooting downstream. While both the NanoDrop One spectrophotometer and the Qubit 4 fluorometer offer accurate measurements of DNA, RNA and protein samples, each also has its unique advantages.


Specifications and Features for NanoDrop One UV-Vis Spectrophotometer:

  • No sample carryover;

  • Accurate measurements up to 27,500 ng/µL (dsDNA);

  • No need for cuvettes or consumables needed;


Specifications and Features for Qubit 4 Fluorometer:

  • Fast and highly accurate quantitation of DNA, RNA, and protein;

  • High levels of accuracy using only 1–20 μL of sample;

Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectropolarimeter

Circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimetry enables the determination of protein folding (secondary and tertiary structure), the study of conformational stability of a protein and determination of whether protein-protein interactions alter the conformation of a protein.


The J-815 CD spectropolarimeter from Jasco represents the highest performance attainable in a CD system combining unparalleled optical throughput and an updated 32 bit software for control and analysis. This system will be used to study lipoprotein-like nanoparticles and recombinant protein ligands.

Suitable Options:

  • Linear Dichroism

  • Optical Rotatory Dispersion

  • Total Fluorescence

  • Scanning EM Fluorescence

  • Fluorescence detected CD

  • Stopped-Flow CD

  • Absorbance

  • Stopped-flow luorescence

  • Chiral HPLC detection

  • Magnetic CD and Near Infrared CD


Specifications and Features:

  • Spectral range: 163 to 1100 nm

  • Measure both CD and UV/Vis

  • Auto-scale mode for data acquisition

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